Lauren’s Yoga

Lauren’s Yoga

Detox Yoga Class

Friday Jan. 12 2023

Join me for my annual detox yoga class.

Detox Class

I have designed a well-balanced 2 hr yoga class to start the New Year off fresh and assist the body in the detoxification process. With care & awareness you will move through deep twists, simple inversions, forward folds, a few self massage techniques and intentional breathing exercises to help you burn up and press out that often heavy lining of waste and leave class feeling lighter and free.

This class is open to all yoga practitioners not dealing with any major injuries or ailments and has a basic understand of yoga asana (posture). Please talk to me if unsure.

Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Teacher Training

Date + Cost

Friday Jan 12th 2023

  • $40 per person
  • Register HERE