Lauren’s Yoga
Lauren’s Yoga
Fascial Stretch Therapy
FST ™ is a unique system of assisted stretching that targets fascia and joints.
Fascial Stretch Therapy, or FST ™, is a unique system of manual therapy done on a massage table, wearing athletic clothes. FST assists in mobility and flexibility and is often called “assisted stretching”. This method has proved to be highly successful in the treatment of common neuromyofascial imbalances, disorders and dysfunctions. First developed in the early 1990’s by Anne and Chris Frederick, the method is now recognized for restoring and maintaining healthy neurological, musculoskeletal and fascial systems. This method has fast and long lasting effects.
60 Min FST treatment $95 + GST
** Payment methods are cash, e-transfer, Debit, Visa and Mastercard.
** Mobile treatments available upon request for an addition travel fee.